From the desk of

Richard Pietrzyk 

In October of 2009, Richard Pietrzyk visited (and Photographed) cartoonist Mort Walker in his Stamford, Connecticut Studio. They talked of Beetle Bailey, Hi & Lois, Cartooning and Falling Acorns – During most of his visit (it being Autumn) there was a constant rat-a-tat-tat on the roof from falling acorns. Mort demonstrated drawing Beetle in Military style helmet and in a yellow Dick Tracyesque fedora.

A brisk game of pool was shot in his cavernous billiard room. Observed by wall paintings by the likes of N.C. Wyeth and Norman Rockwell. The studio was originally used by sculpture Gutzon Borglum (Mount Rushmore). A reproduction of Mount Rushmore (with a minor addition) graces the bar.

Mort Walker

Here are some  photos from Richard’s collection of his visit with Ray Billingsley and Arnold Roth

Arnold Roth

Ray Billingsley